2008-02-21 a9261ca028eabfba0a43099fb845594248d23396
2008-02-21 till
* added GD to the optional libs (quota image) - Thanks lancey!
tree@ a9261c commitdiff
2008-02-21 till
* committed patch by Dalibor Andzakovic
tree@ 0f675b commitdiff
2008-02-21 yllar
galician translation update
tree@ 3e33aa commitdiff
2008-02-21 thomascube
Correct example filter to work with the changes from r1025
tree@ 81355a commitdiff
2008-02-21 yllar
Lithuanian translation update
tree@ 6be99c commitdiff
2008-02-20 thomascube
Added environment checks from check.php-dist
tree@ 6557d3 commitdiff
2008-02-20 thomascube
Add (currently unused) function to delete all contacts + update changelog
tree@ 103d6b commitdiff
2008-02-20 thomascube
Remove MDN headers before saving in sent folder + fix wrong variale name
tree@ ae8f19 commitdiff
2008-02-20 till
* added a few @todo's * replaced doublequotes with singlequotes * a couple ...
tree@ f8895e commitdiff
2008-02-20 till
* fixing #1484792 (Thanks for the note!)
tree@ d45176 commitdiff
2008-02-20 till
* added references to used functions * moved comments from the function in ...
tree@ 15062e commitdiff
2008-02-20 thomascube
Mark message read when printing it (#1326452)
tree@ 4d3f3b commitdiff
2008-02-19 thomascube
Allow to send mail with BCC recipients only + remove some unused vars
tree@ e8f8fe commitdiff
2008-02-19 thomascube
Localize folder name in page title (#1484785)
tree@ fed22f commitdiff
2008-02-19 thomascube
First steps to implement an installer
tree@ 354978 commitdiff
2008-02-19 yllar
tree@ 6d56de commitdiff
2008-02-19 yllar
hebrew translation update
tree@ cc735f commitdiff
2008-02-18 thomascube
Correct/clarify installation hints
tree@ 83ce4b commitdiff
2008-02-18 thomascube
Add urls for PHP modules and PEAR packages; also check for iconv and openssl
tree@ e50912 commitdiff
2008-02-18 yllar
pt_BR update
tree@ a9d63b commitdiff
2008-02-18 yllar
BOM removed #1484778
tree@ 91675c commitdiff
2008-02-17 thomascube
Updated changelog just to be correct
tree@ 283eca commitdiff
2008-02-17 thomascube
Reverted to r950; Sinhala is not Slovenian
tree@ 2d9a39 commitdiff
2008-02-17 thomascube
Updated Indonesian and Slovenian localization
tree@ 1d13b9 commitdiff
2008-02-17 thomascube
Updated Flemish localization
tree@ 818c4d commitdiff
2008-02-17 thomascube
Changed to UTF-8 encoding
tree@ 2bf852 commitdiff
2008-02-17 till
* silenced dl() again (DONT CHANGE THIS!) * added a check for needed PHP ex...
tree@ 24e1f1 commitdiff
2008-02-17 thomascube
Removed html entities from localization files. Please avoid them
tree@ 3bf0b0 commitdiff
2008-02-17 till
* added isset() to get rid off notice
tree@ 8150d2 commitdiff
2008-02-17 yllar
Macedonian translation update and name change
tree@ a92ae8 commitdiff
2008-02-16 svncommit
tree@ 31ff9f commitdiff
2008-02-16 svncommit
make magic_quotes_gpc = 0
tree@ 242675 commitdiff
2008-02-16 svncommit
update bg, closes #1484778 thanks!
tree@ 474948 commitdiff
2008-02-16 till
* tinymce has some issues (especially in the IE department), enable only if...
tree@ 45a470 commitdiff
2008-02-16 till
* addapted patch from #1484777 (Thanks ulysses.almeida)
tree@ 26973a commitdiff
2008-02-16 till
* check.php: add another check for zlib.output_compression 0 * .htaccess: f...
tree@ 342db9 commitdiff
2008-02-16 thomascube
Updated Esperanto localization
tree@ 6cdc8f commitdiff
2008-02-16 svncommit
update pt_BR, si thanks!
tree@ 0e8a30 commitdiff
2008-02-16 till
* doublechecking the user id is set
tree@ 8779cd commitdiff
2008-02-16 svncommit
update lv, nb_NO thanks!
tree@ cf436e commitdiff
2008-02-15 till
* showing db error
tree@ e1dc8b commitdiff
2008-02-15 svncommit
update de_DE, en_GB, thanks!
tree@ f5e936 commitdiff
2008-02-15 till
* extended db checks (also for optional read-only dsn)
tree@ ab9642 commitdiff
2008-02-15 till
* cs in require_once
tree@ 547289 commitdiff
2008-02-15 till
* revised .ini checks and added magic_quotes_*
tree@ d7f795 commitdiff
2008-02-15 svncommit
Update dutch translation.
tree@ 10f55b commitdiff
2008-02-15 svncommit
update pl, zh_TW, thanks!
tree@ 3a084d commitdiff
2008-02-14 till
* committed patch from #1484775
tree@ 599843 commitdiff
2008-02-14 till
* small cs fixes
tree@ 7eaf7a commitdiff
2008-02-14 till
* added check for loaded database modules * added MDB2 to lib check
tree@ 6b9e4a commitdiff
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