2010-12-10 7416ae859be597ac5cbedc67b7e98b92e5ff050e
2010-12-10 yllar
he_IL fr_FR lt_LT et_EE ja_JP ar_SA pt_PT cy_GB de_DE updated
blob@ 7416ae commitdiff | diff to current
2010-12-03 alecpl
- New Folder Manager UI - Fix invalid Request when creating a folder (#1487...
blob@ af3c04 commitdiff | diff to current
2010-11-24 thomascube
Updates German translations and Changelog
blob@ 844d3f commitdiff | diff to current
2010-09-25 alecpl
- s/RoundCube/Roundcube/
blob@ e019f2 commitdiff | diff to current
2010-06-30 yllar
translations update
blob@ 3e91f0 commitdiff | diff to current
2010-06-08 alecpl
- Add real SMTP error description to displayed error messages (#1485927)
blob@ 349a8e commitdiff | diff to current
2010-04-07 thomascube
Updated German translations
blob@ b57c45 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-11-18 alecpl
- de_* localization fixes (#1486298)
blob@ 3c9aa2 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-10-27 thomascube
Complete german localizations
blob@ ebbb6a commitdiff | diff to current
2009-07-15 thomascube
Use request tokens to protect POST requests from CSFR
blob@ 57f0c8 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-07-06 alecpl
- de_* update
blob@ 16036b commitdiff | diff to current
2009-06-18 yllar
New language Brezhoneg + some updates
blob@ fb1e3b commitdiff | diff to current
2009-06-03 alecpl
- de_DE update (#1485893)
blob@ 0af42e commitdiff | diff to current
2009-01-16 till
* bumping up copyright (happy new year ;-))
blob@ cbbef3 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-11-17 alecpl
#1485548: de_* update
blob@ eadd1c commitdiff | diff to current
2008-11-11 yllar
bg_BG sk_SK et_EE pt_PT it_IT update + minor messages.inc fix
blob@ 47369b commitdiff | diff to current
2008-10-27 alecpl
- de_DE update (#1485525)
blob@ 139f99 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-10-21 thomascube
Improve vcard import (#1485502); try utf-8 first in charset detection
blob@ b58f11 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-09-22 svncommit
update (#1485392)
blob@ 34b8b1 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-09-15 thomascube
Redesign of the identities settings + add config option to disable multiple...
blob@ f645ce commitdiff | diff to current
2008-09-11 svncommit
Update de_DE translation (#1485326).
blob@ 47ac16 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-08-22 alecpl
#1485262: nl_NL update #1485273: de_XX update
blob@ 2660a5 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-05-30 thomascube
Tell the user which character is forbidden + add translation
blob@ 134eaf commitdiff | diff to current
2008-02-17 thomascube
Changed to UTF-8 encoding
blob@ 2bf852 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-02-17 thomascube
Removed html entities from localization files. Please avoid them
blob@ 3bf0b0 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-02-15 svncommit
update de_DE, en_GB, thanks!
blob@ f5e936 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-02-13 thomascube
Update German localization
blob@ f09fad commitdiff | diff to current
2008-02-12 thomascube
Show message count in folder list and hint when creating a subfolder
blob@ a8d23d commitdiff | diff to current
2008-02-10 till
* fixing #1484494 (people can delete the last identity otherwise) * FOR TRA...
blob@ e3a0af commitdiff | diff to current
2008-01-07 svncommit
new german (de_DE) translation. i hope i have the correct meaning ;-)
blob@ 0875a1 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-01-04 svncommit
bump copyright for all localization files
blob@ 5b3c99 commitdiff | diff to current
2007-10-01 svncommit
cleanup localizations
blob@ 747e3c commitdiff | diff to current
2007-09-05 yllar
Ticket #1484457
blob@ 737b6a commitdiff | diff to current
2007-07-07 yllar
Removed BOM from language files
blob@ 12c38f commitdiff | diff to current
2007-05-15 yllar
Updated Brazilian, Swedish, German, Latvian, Bulgarian, Slovenian, Lithuani...
blob@ 18da24 commitdiff | diff to current
2007-05-03 svncommit
German translation update
blob@ 2e00c8 commitdiff | diff to current
2007-05-01 thomascube
Updated German, Euskara, Hungarian and Spanish translation
blob@ a19598 commitdiff | diff to current
2007-02-06 svncommit
updated pt_BR, clean up in localization
blob@ 9d41ed commitdiff | diff to current
2007-01-13 svncommit
German translation changes
blob@ cd4788 commitdiff | diff to current
2006-12-29 svncommit
german translation updated
blob@ e93a2d commitdiff | diff to current
2006-12-17 svncommit
german translation changes
blob@ 5b0687 commitdiff | diff to current
2006-12-11 yllar
updated da, de_DE, pt_BR, bs_BA, fr, pl, et_EE translations
blob@ df8e8e commitdiff | diff to current
2006-12-01 thomascube
Introducing preview pane and conditional skin tags
blob@ b19097 commitdiff | diff to current
2006-07-30 thomascube
Fixed folder renaming; added confirmation after deleting a folder
blob@ f9c107 commitdiff | diff to current
2006-07-25 thomascube
Several bugfixes and improvements. See CHANGELOG for details
blob@ 24053e commitdiff | diff to current
2006-06-27 svncommit
Renameable folders, mail-checking changes, other fixes (richs)
blob@ c8c1e0 commitdiff | diff to current
2006-06-26 thomascube
Typos, Optimizations, Updates
blob@ b068a0 commitdiff | diff to current
2006-06-19 svncommit
Added Drafts support (Feature #1326839) (richs)
blob@ 1966c5 commitdiff | diff to current
2006-05-25 thomascube
Finalized GoogieSpell integration
blob@ ed5d29 commitdiff | diff to current
2006-02-19 thomascube
Updated several localizations
blob@ 0615a6 commitdiff | diff to current
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